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Saturday 28 May 2011

Paper phone (Flexible phone)

Canadian researchers have invented a model of smart phone and using a flexible e-paper. smatphone new phone is able to perform all tasks of smartphones.

The new phone is capable of performing all tasks that are usually found in smart phones such as receive calls and send messages and run on the music and view e-books.

The new device displays the different functions and different properties when attached to the side or fold.

Researchers have found the invention of this device through cooperation between researchers from Queen's University and the University of Arizona.

And make the new device using electronic ink technology used in the electronic reading device Kindle.

Researchers have invented this experimental model to explore how easy to use folding and bending technology to control the paper phone. The experimental model linked to a laptop.

It is expected to present a paper model of phone on May 10, the current during a press conference in the city of Vancouver, Western Canada.

The researchers expect to see a new device on the same conference last named "Snapelet" He can do a variety of tasks depending on how the drive and seal.


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